Try as you might, teeth loss is a reality millions face each and every year. Whether through tooth decay or blunt-force trauma, tooth loss affects far more than your appearance. In years past, removable appliances, such as dentures, were the primary solution for dental restoration.
While these devices help restore your smile and chewing comfort, dental implants deliver greater comfort, function, and beauty. With teeth implants, you’ll experience the following benefits:
Our implants are carefully selected to perfectly match your surrounding teeth. Get ready to smile bigger than ever before!
Made out of the latest implant technologies, our procedure safeguards jaw bone health and chewing comfort.
Missing teeth eventually causes surrounding teeth to shift, which is painful and detrimental to your dental health. Our implants prevent teeth movement to ensure years of a healthy, happy smile.
Dentists in Point Cook are active members of the Australian Dental Association and hold great interest in the latest technological advancements in dental care. While implants aren’t new, our procedures and actual implants use state-of-the-art technology to restore and protect your smile.
Your mouth is uniquely yours. Much like fingerprints, your dental alignment and situation can’t be compared to others. To determine the best implant option, your dentist performs a thorough physical and digital image evaluation. Once fully analyzed, dentists may recommend any of our three leading implant options, which include: Straumann, Osstem, and Dentium.
While each implant is considered the leading choice, not all implants are perfect for your case or budget. Even though an implant may not be universally recommended, the results are definitely universal: a perfect smile without the pain and embarrassment of missing teeth.
Dental implant procedures are done in-office by one of our experienced and passionate dentists. Our goal is to make you as comfortable as possible through impeccable hospitality and a commitment to delivering the highest quality results in as little time as possible.